she's a liar
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Perhaps I'm too naive. It sucks knowing someone whom you've once been close with is in fact full of deceit.
Never mind. Anyway, I'm starting full time work in March. ): Just one week away, but I know I'm not prepared to be tied down yet.
There's something very wrong with me today, but I just don't know why.
with lace and ribbons.
3:27 PM
Sunday, February 7, 2010

I have so much things to blog, but I just can't find time to do so. ):
with lace and ribbons.
11:22 AM
i wanna go dancing
Monday, February 1, 2010
i think i can be such a bitch at times.
here i am saying how i envy some people's life which seems so carefree.
and there i am dissing off on irritating people who keeps saying they're jealous of this and that.
i haven been blogging for sooooooo long. just call me plain lazy.
it's really hard to juggle between school and work.
so life is hell hectic for me to an extent i've been bored of shopping literally.
but as cny draws nearer, i realised my room is still in a big mess and i'm not done with my shopping either. 0:
i still have a 2,500 words research paper left undone and due next week. oh GREAT.
did i mention before that i've already signed the contract for my full-time position with ultrex? yeah, and now i did hur. heh. :P it wasn't a very good deal in fact, as in the salary but wells, i've already given my word before we talked terms, so yes, can't back out. ): but on the other hand, i really felt i should have taken up either offers from the other companies when they offered. they pay so much better lor!
okay, actually its also the CPF that kills. a whole freaking 20% off that figure is like WOAH. damn knn. ya la, to poly graduates it matters okay!
looking back, i realised it has been a hell 5 months since i last lived off my parents (minus the fact i'm still staying in their house haha). woah, independence did not come by easy i must say. it sucks at times. )"
by the way, i'm hoping that 2010 will be a very very good year cos' it hasn't started out well for me. just last week, i unwillingly spent a fair sum of money on something stupid that wouldn't have been called for if i was just a wee bit more careful.
yupp, so i am very very very very very BROKE now. and i did a rough calculation just now and wtf!!!!! i spent almost 500 bucks on f21 this month! damn.
okay, i've got a stupid 15 minutes consultation tomorrow morning. after which meeting k for lunch then off to start on my research paper again.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLUBBING ANYONE? i need to let off but please dun start bombarding me with stupid questions that night. i've been going through a lot lately so please dun add on to those.
thanks. text me people, need to start a wee bit on the research paper now and figure out what i can ask her tomorrow during the consultation. i never liked attending consultations cos' i always assume i know what i'm doing haha. effing high level of self-confidence i know, bitch it.
with lace and ribbons.
1:19 AM